VNG Videonystagmography
VNG (Videonystagmography)
The VNG test analyses the eyes in detail to study whether any anomalous movements are present. The control of eye movements are also studied whilst the patient undertakes several visual tasks. This helps to determine whether your balance problems are related to a central (brain) vestibular disorder or a peripheral balance organ (labyrinth) problem.
This test is conducted by the Vestibular Scientist in a room which can be completely darkened. Focusing on an object allows the brain to suppress and therefore reduce any abnormal eye movements. It is therefore not unusual to observe anomalous eye movements in the dark which disappear when the lights are switched on. You will be required to wear a set of goggles incorporating infrared-sensitive video cameras, which digitally record your eye movements onto a computer for subsequent analysis. You will be asked to focus your eyes on a red light on a bar ahead of you. You must co-operate and keep your head still while following various movements of the red light with your eyes as closely as possible. This test takes about 20 minutes.
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